and their families through pregnancy and the postpartum period with easy-to-use online courses.
All Courses
First 10 Days
Your complete postpartum support. The course covers everything you need to know about your health, your newborn, breastfeeding, the father, siblings, family and more, including daily support the first week, meditations and checklists you can download.
Daily Support & Guidance
Daily support the first week. Education, guidelines, and essential things you need to know to get off to a good start when you are starting to breastfeed and getting to know your newborn.
Note: This course is included in 'The First 10 Days'.
The Newborn
In this course you will learn everything you need to know about the newborn’s appearance and behavior, jaundice, hygiene, weight loss and more. The course also includes important ground rules, including how to keep the baby safe.
Note: This course is included in 'The First 10 Days'.
The Mother: Mental & Physical Health
In this course you will learn everything you need to know about your physical and mental health after delivery. Afterpains, bleeding, stitches, C-section and more. How your feelings change, the Baby Blues, postpartum depression and the important role your mindset plays during this emotional time in your life.
Note: This course is included in 'The First 10 Days'.
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of breastfeeding; why breastmilk is the best milk for your baby, when to start, what to expect, the best positions and more.
You will also learn about breast changes, including how to prevent sore nipples, what happens when the milk comes in and what to do if you have flat or inverted nipples.
Note: This course is included in 'The First 10 Days'.
Pregnancy Problems
Common, and more importantly uncommon pregnancy problems you may experience. When and why they happen and what to do. Some of them may surprise you because no one talks about them.
All Courses
First 10 Days
Your complete postpartum support. The course covers everything you need to know about your health, your newborn, breastfeeding, the father, siblings, family and more, including daily support the first week, meditations and checklists you can download.
Daily Support & Guidance
Daily support the first week. Education, guidelines, and essential things you need to know to get off to a good start when you are starting to breastfeed and getting to know your newborn.
Note: This course is also included in The First 10 Days.
The Newborn
In this course you will learn everything you need to know about the newborn’s appearance and behavior, jaundice, hygiene, weight loss and more. The course also includes important ground rules, including how to keep the baby safe.
Note: This course is also included in The First 10 Days.
The Mother: Mental & Physical Health
In this course you will learn everything you need to know about your physical and mental health after delivery. Afterpains, bleeding, stitches, C-section and more. How your feelings change, the Baby Blues, postpartum depression and the important role your mindset plays during this emotional time in your life.
Note: This course is also included in The First 10 Days.
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of breastfeeding; why breastmilk is the best milk for your baby, when to start, what to expect, the best positions and more.
You will also learn about breast changes, including how to prevent sore nipples, what happens when the milk comes in and what to do if you have flat or inverted nipples.
Note: This course is also included in The First 10 Days.

Pregnancy Problems
Common and more importantly uncommon pregnancy problems you may experience. When and why they happen and what to do. Some of them may surprise you because no one talks about them.
Coming soon...
You want to be a confident mother - well prepared and informed. But you´ve probably realized that your baby doesn't come with a manual. You have a lot of questions but don't know where to look for answers.
Do you want to breastfeed but don't know how?
Do you want to know why newborns get jaundice?
Are you experiencing unexpected pregnancy problems?
Do you know what to expect the first weeks after delivery?
Do you want to be well prepared for the postpartum period?
Do you want to know why newborns lose weight the first days?
Do you struggle with feelings like uncertainty, fear and anxiety?
Are you lost and confused?
Then I Can Help You
As a mother of five and a midwife with decades of experience, I know how you feel and what you are going through.
I have helped thousands of women through pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period since graduating as a midwife in 1982. During these 40 years I have seen it all, including working at the high risk pregnancy ward, encountering every problem imaginable.
Over the past decade I have provided more than 8000 in-home postpartum visits. I can help you navigate the seas of uncertainty, take control over your feelings and teach you everything you need to know about pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
Everything You Need - All in one place
All the information - in bite-size videos - simple and easy - at your convenience
We Are In This Together
I understand every step of your journey because I’ve been where you are. I know what you are going through and how to help.
I have five sons. I was 18 years old and had a near death experience when my first son was born and 29 years later, when I was 47 years old, my youngest son was born. I know from my own experience the difference between a normal birth without pain medication and an emergency C-section, performed because of an immediate threat to the life of both mother and baby. I had severe preeclampsia and was hospitalized with total bed rest for three weeks before the emergency C-section took place. Five years later I experienced a normal delivery, without any medication.